Online Tennis Instructions with "THE BEASTS"

So how does it work?

Follow the step-by-step process below to get started:


·      Reach out to us with your questions and/or videos via the submission form below.

·      We’ll then reply back to you with helpful information, training advice, and/or supplementary videos on the desired skill or training goal you’re trying to achieve

·      If the request you have is to learn a specific tennis skill(s) or physical conditioning exercise(s), reply back to us with video clip of you performing the skill(s) or exercise(s) we sent you to practice

·      We’ll then give feedback on how you performed the skill and what areas you should look to improve moving forward

·      Any skills learned through this self-practice method can then also be reinforced and improved upon during our face-to-face training sessions

So what kind of questions or topics will we help with?

Here’s a list of the topics that we can assist you with while you’re practicing tennis or physical training on your own:


·      Tennis skills, techniques, and training routines

·      Physical conditioning exercises and training routines

·      Nutrition advice and healthy life practices

Practice makes perfect and the only way to achieve optimal results is to be practicing regularly both during our face-to-face training sessions and at home!

- Coach Nick and Coach Adam

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